青岛中海新材料有限公司 Qingdao Sinosea New Material Co., Ltd
Consultation Hotline 86-532-86877727
Deslagging Granule

Deslagging Granule

Features and Benefits:

1. SY-KQJ1 does not produce any dust, so it won’t cause environmental pollution.
    Also, it does not corrode tools or equipment and can protect thehealth of the operators.

2. The active ingredients can be utilized fully and effectively even in the case of
    a small dosage since it is really a new-generation environment-friendlydeslagging granule.

3. This product can resist high temperature up to 800℃ without being melted.

4. There is no adhesion of aluminum slag to the smelter,
    causing no corrosion to the smelter itself or the transfer ladle.